Trailblazer Cycles 2002 Bike Show Photos Page 2

Every year, after tearing down the booth, and returning all the cabinets, displays, bikes and accessories back to the store, the folks at Trailblazers like to let loose a little bit at a local bar with friends. In years past, the local bar was the Longest Yard on Avenue Rd. This year, the local bar was the Gov'ner on Yonge St. The perfect scene for the perfect crime...

A Calvin Klein underwear model breaks his diet...

"What? These aren't soy wings??? Bring me a Fresca, pronto!"

Yes, there is booze involved in these festivites. Very small amounts, though, and sipped quite slowly. We wouldn't want anyone to feel ill, would we?

Hmmm, maybe we do. It seems one of the bike show "rookies" thinks he can go the distance. Now, we all remember what happened to the last young 'un that thought that, now don't we?

"I'm number 1!!! I'm never gonna puke! I can out ride and out drink all of you!!!"

Well, out ride? Maybe (acutally, definitely). But out drink? Hmmm...

(Acutally, Terry never said any of this, but it makes the story funnier if you imagine it that way...)

Can this boy ride? Is a duck's ass watertight? Does a bear shit in the woods? Does Pip want wheels on his bed from the last time he tried to step up?

If you happen to be a team manager for a major DH race team, you might want to take a look at this kid...

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